Saturday, May 17, 2008

For the Love of God: Go Away Doris Burke

Now I like to fancy myself a pretty progressive guy. I'm all for women's liberation and equal opportunity -- most of the time.

Lately, during the NBA playoffs, Doris Burke has literally been ruining my game-watching experience. Her total lack of insight, knowledge of sports in general and personality are a blatant and aggressive agenda-pushing move by the powers that be. I'm sure ESPN has been pressured by the ACLU or some other tail-wagging-the-dog type organization to get a woman in there I mean, "of course it should work out, everyone knows a woman can do anything a man can do and just as well," insert smarmy yachting voice.

This is not a victimless offense either. If I have to suffer through another game with Doris I am going to be forced to watch with the sound off. I'm sure she is a wonderful person and was one helluva women's basketball player but, for the love of God ESPN, get a former player in there and quickly. Let's right the ship before things spiral even more out of control.

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