Monday, June 16, 2008

The First and Last Time...

Usually I don't mind negative comments, ill-will or any other bad vibes that may float towards my general vicinity; this is not really an exception merely a brief acknowledgment.

I want people to read my blog simply to appreciate and enjoy things that I myself enjoy. I like to write and the fact that numerous people get to see things through my eyes, as distorted as they may seem, makes me happy.

If, by chance, as a by-product, my blog motivates individuals who aren't living up to their potential, spend 16 hours a day in bed and in general produce far more hate-spew than positive energy -- well then, that's just a wonderful added bonus.

Honestly, Mr. Heez, I'm glad you've opened a blog. You're a very talented fellow and should have a creative outlet to voice your many opinions. What you have so far is excellent and very witty; I would expect nothing less.

As harsh as you were on me, I hope you can accept my retort as good-natured jest.


Anonymous said...

wait, but you must have missed the disclaimer on the other site. it says "Not For Pussies."

Anonymous said...

for not toned people. the kid is dead. rip...not....long live jesse james not robert ford.