Sunday, June 15, 2008

Bow Down To The Tiger

What Tiger Woods did yesterday at the U.S. Open was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen. If you missed it I feel sorry for you; it truly was one of those magical moments that competitive sport, on the highest level, can afford you every once in a while.

If he goes on to win the championship it is only that much more of a testament to the fact that he, even at this relatively young age, is the greatest golfer of all time. The only question left has to be: Will Tiger Woods end up being the greatest athlete of all time?

I think he's got a shot.

Make sure you watch today. Everyone is certainly going to try to give him a run for his money but he's never lost a major while leading after 54 holes. Hell, it will most certainly be more entertaining than watching Boston and the Big Three put Kobe and his band of flunkies out of their misery.

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