Saturday, June 14, 2008

Worst Marketing Plan Ever

If you haven't seen the Mike's Hard Lemonade commercials recently let me fill you in.

An overweight, pathetic, Chris Farley knock off, bumbles around in the "Hard Lemonade" factory before an overbearing "man's man" supervisor bursts into the room and stymies the fat fellows plans. A glass of lemonade then slams down followed by a bass-filled voice proclaiming something along the lines of, "in a world gone soft someones got to be hard."

Are you shitting me? Can they really be so foolish as to think they can convince America that their product is anything but a pansy-asses version of a wine spritzer?

IF they were smart they would angle their "hard lemonade" to the only people who would ever drink it -- 14-year-old kids who don't know any better, men who drink it in secret and sob themselves to sleep at night and women with feathered hair.

I mean c'mon, I don't usually buy into macho bullshit but if you're a man and you drink Mike's Hard Lemonade regularly, I couldn't be friends with you. Case closed.

There commercials should say, "if you see someone buying our product, or ordering a bottle at a bar, punch them in the face... seriously... just rear back and cold-cock 'em right there... they probably deserve it..."

Sack up and have a beer.


Anonymous said...

zach im sorry baby but im gonna have to disagree. the mikes commercials are funny. even though it is a pussy drink they do provide some sort of entertainment value with their commercials. I know u think twice when u see one of those pansy bottles around the ville brahhh, and i think for them thats enough to be called an accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

you couldnt be more right . . . me and my boy alex in Michigan have been talking about this for weeks!! its like an on going joke amongst us!