Saturday, June 14, 2008

RIP Tim Russert

For those of you who haven't heard, "Meet the Press" host Tim Russert passed away yesterday, at the age of 58, of a heart attack.

Russert was known for his humanity, slant-less analysis and ability to bring energy and personability to anything he covered. Tim Russert holds a special place in my heart as a fan of the Buffalo Bills. He was a product of a south-Buffalo neighborhood and was an unabashedly proud Buffalonion -- a distinction hard to find amongst almost anyone of note in the public eye. He defended the city and it's proud history and was beloved by nearly every Western New Yorker -- no matter what party they affiliated with.

Much like when that damn Stingray barb cut Steve Irwin's life short a couple years ago, Russert's death yesterday shook me to the core.

Here is a video about the Bills that features Tim Russert; it kind of defines the way I, and many others, feel about the area and culture it represents.

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