Friday, May 9, 2008

Thank You Joey

Thank you Joey, of MTV's Real World Hollywood, for reminding me why one should never mix steroids, alcohol and complete stupidity. 

Your latest blow up was probably the greatest television since Janet's nipple made an appearance during the Super Bowl. You've actually managed to make most douche bag, bodybuilding, alcoholics look like model members of society. 

I really didn't know which I was more amused by while watching your temper tantrum: the fact that you were walking around, yelling and flexing while continually banging your head on the wall or that I actually thought at one point you were, real life, about to beat the shit out of those two extremely annoying girls that you lived with. You are a complete moron and I loved every second of your immaturity and lack of any boundaries or social niceties

Only in America.

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