Monday, May 26, 2008

Joakim Noah: A Victim of Senseless Laws

Joakim Noah was arrested early Sunday morning in downtown Gainesville. He had an open cup of cognac on the road and was subsequently taken into custody and searched yielding a "cannabis cigarette."

This is, for lack of a better label, stupid as shit.

Here and now in Gainesville, given the Haile rape situation, maybe it's time to reevaluate the merits of some of our laws and the amount of tax dollars and law-enforcement man-power spent on carrying them out.

A guy like Joakim, who has done so much good for the community and the area, should probably be cut a little slack for having an open container of alcohol. And you know what? We should all probably be cut some slack in that situation.

He wasn't causing trouble; he wasn't endangering anyone's life by driving drunk; he was back in a town, that he obviously has a real connection to, having fun on a Saturday night.

Why the hell is their an open container law to begin with? As an of-age adult should I not be allowed to walk, peacefully down the road while enjoying a cocktail or a cold beer?

If people are afraid of road-side accidents caused by pedestrians acting stupid while drinking, then why not punish the idiots who can't control themselves. Punish people who are causing problems. Enforce the public drunkenness laws. I submit that a dumb ass causing problems on the side of the road with a drink in his hand is plenty dumb enough to merely drink a little bit more, indoors, before he goes outside and reeks havoc in traffic.

Why are we wasting money dealing with such trivial laws? Is it possible that our government's bureaucracy has merely over stepped its boundaries and over-policing is the result?

The idea that Joakim, or anyone in his position, has to go into court now, resulting in money spent towards paying the judge, bailiff, DA, courthouse police and even the damn metal detector operator, makes me sick to my stomach. Think about how often this goes on with petty-ass crimes. You can see how the money really adds up. This isn't even factoring in the hassle and discomfort the person, charged with these dime-store crimes, is put through.

On another note, the fact that marijuana is illegal, while alcohol and cigarettes are not, is so heinously and hypocritically bogus it really doesn't even deserve more conversation. Anyone with a brain realizes that alcohol companies and big tobacco have so many lobbyists and so many resources at their disposal that this wrong, truly will, never be righted.

As for Gainesville police, as well as police everywhere -- get a grip. There are real crimes, involving real drugs, going on out there. Only a moron really thinks the job you do isn't noble or completely necessary but, for God's sake, show some discretion. That's your job. Fight the good fight -- not the local hero back in town, for a drink and a joint to relax.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, the fact is, the law says you can't have an open container. The law also says you can't have weed. Whether or not the law is stupid, that is the law, and he broke it.