Saturday, May 31, 2008

Cornhole, Notes, Quotes and Anecdotes

These two gentleman, pictured above, are playing a lovely little game called Cornhole. It is not a drinking-game, per say, although, some ice-cold beers can't really hurt.

Two boards, which have a six inch hole cut into them, are set up roughly forty feet apart. The object of the game is to either land your bean bags on the board or throw the bag through the hole. One point is awarded for a bag on the board and three points for a bag in the hole.

The game is usually best played outside. We were merrily doing this last night when all hell broke loose.

My compadres and I were minding our own business, enjoying a little game of Cornhole in my friend's backyard. There was no music and we were keeping our voices down; we were being good citizens to say the very least. Everything seemed reasonably moderate and discreet. The psycho neighbor lady could not have disagreed more.

This old bag comes screamin' eagle over to the front door shrieking and crying like a banshee. A more mature older woman may have simply asked us to keep it down a little. This immature older woman decided the best way to handle things was to weep and carry on in front of six drunken college guys. Threats for appeals to the authorities were made and at one point I thought she may go all vigilante on us and fetch a gas can to burn the house down. Apparently the thud of bean bag on wood was just too much for her to handle.

What is wrong with people nowadays? What happened to love thy neighbor? This woman may not have coveted thy neighbor's wife but she for damn sure coveted thy neighbor's good times!

Being the fine young gentleman that we are, as a group, we relented. And of course, the only reasonable thing to do was morph the interior of the house into a giant grown boy's playpen. We merely converted the house into a large Cornhole arena of sorts. In the end this woman may have done us a service. Cornhole was never meant to be played inside, but last night we shook up the world.

Get yourself some good timber and craft yourself some Cornhole equipment. It is a wonderfully uniquely American thing to do.

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