Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gun Owners May Rest Easy This Day

Now, I certainly would not have ever thought I would have back-to-back posts about The Supreme Court, but damn it, the justices are doing big things.

Today, our nation's highest court made a historic ruling in favor of our 2nd Amendment rights. For the first time ever, The Supreme Court ruled that our right to bear arms is a personal right, and not tied into any service in a state militia like many anti-gun people have tried to argue.

The ruling struck down the strictest gun conrol law in the country. In Washington, D.C. it was unlawful for a person to own a handgun and if they owned a shotgun or rifle in their home it had to be unloaded and disassembled.

Now, I wouldn't consider myself a gun enthusiast by any stretch of the imagination; I do not own a gun , have never been hunting and have only fired guns on a few brief occasions, but I do think this ruling is a good thing.

People who want to do harm to others will always be able to get their hands on firearms, no matter how strict our gun laws may be. And even if the statistics show that having a gun probably won't help you avert harm from yourself or your family during a crime, a person should be allowed to take comfort in the idea that they could potentially defend themselves in the event that disaster strikes.

In general, I am against limiting the rights of individuals in almost every situation possible. Obviously however, in the event that someone commits a felony, or is deemed mentally ill, they lose their privledge to own a weapon.

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